Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Related reading

synchronously with workinng on this liturgy, I read the novel "Crescent" by Diana Abu-Jaber. The Eye Goddess, to whom Aaron referred, hovers over this story set in Los Angeles and Iraq as an unidentified presence. One of the characters is a photographer, who captures images without permission. Themes include the feeling of being watched, the art and science of surveillance, and the eveil eye. I loved this profoundly moving book.

1 comment:

Demetria said...

I have a good book that Ms. Abu-Jabar may have used as a source. "The Eye Goddess" by O.G.S. Crawford, Delphi Press, Oak Park, Il. ©1957, 1991; ISBN1-878980-04-1.

It is an exploration of the Eye Goddess around the world, and if you want to borrow it someday, let me know. It ties in to so many cultures and deity-forms, that it reminds us about the nature of pagan ecleticism - it has been around since earliest times of human awareness.

Happy April!